If you have been charged with a federal criminal offense, the best thing you can do is consult an attorney that could be your ally following your arrest. Everything a person says to their attorney is protected. A qualified attorney could help you set realistic expectations following a Maryland federal arrest. You can explain the entire situation to your attorney who, in turn, could speak to investigators and prosecutors on your behalf. An accomplished federal criminal lawyer could guide you through the process and provide advice on how to move forward.
Individuals can be charged by the federal government for things that happened outside the United States, depending on the specific allegations and the facts of the situation. There must be some connection to the United States for the federal government to have jurisdiction. A person does not have to leave the United States to be charged federally. If there was some aspect of the activity that involved to the United States, the federal government will usually have jurisdiction. Federal charges often allege criminal behavior on a larger scale in comparison with state offenses. Federal charges often carry more severe penalties.
One of the expectations following a Maryland federal arrest that an individual may not have is that their charges will be public, however, by default, federal charges are public. There are circumstances where a person can get a federal case sealed. Depending on the outcome of the case, there are things a person can do to shield their record if they are not convicted, the charges are dropped, or they are acquitted at trial. There is a presumption in the United States that this information is public.
Steps can be taken to minimize the publicity and the availability of court documents by the public. A case can be sealed by a court order depending on the specifics of the charges depending on the government’s position. It is ultimately up to a judge to make that decision. Based on the allegations and the individual’s position, there are ways that one can get a case sealed and minimize the availability of that information on the public record.
Another one of the expectations following a Maryland federal arrest is the possibility of bond. When a person is not released on bail or bond, they are held in custody until their attorney can get another review of their situation to get them released on bond or until the case is resolved. In that situation, the attorney is the person’s lifeline back to their community. The lawyer can help a person settle affairs at home, and stay in touch with their family, and employer, or anyone else the person needs to contact.
An attorney can take care of certain things that must be done and provide advice to the family. In addition to preparing the defense, preparing for trial, or trying to try to resolve the case. The lawyer can also take steps to get the person a bail review. Letters of support from an employer, or turning over passports and other documentation can make a judge more comfortable with the person’s release. These things take time and may not happen right away at the arraignment. At some point in time, the attorney may be able to bring information to a judge persuade them to reconsider the issue of bail.
There are risks to the person’s family that the government can do, depending on the allegations. They can attempt to seize money and other assets if they believe those assets were used in the commission of any crime. Assets can be seized as evidence, even when they are used by the rest of a person’s family and even if the family members are not themselves believed to be involved in a criminal offense.
There are specific and detailed laws that identify what and when the government can seize and what they can and cannot freeze. Just because a person faces federal charges, that does not necessarily permit the government to freeze their assets. This is regulated by the specific laws and facts of the situation. There must be a connection to the criminal activity or an alleged connection to the criminal conduct. The government must support that. If the government attempts to freeze assets and does not follow their own rules and regulations, the defense lawyer can challenge that. The lawyer can challenge any attempt by the government to seize or freeze a person’s assets and can handle or assist with the matter, even the person is incarcerated.
If you face federal charges, the first thing that you should do is consult an attorney. The situation can be frightening and overwhelming. Sometimes, you may be asked for information and documents, or prosecutors may want to talk to you. The first thing that you should do is get an experienced lawyer who can provide you with specific instructions as to what you need to do. If there is a warrant, you may need to turn yourself in. An attorney could also answer any questions you may have about expectations following a Maryland federal arrest.