If you have been accused of credit card fraud, you could benefit from the counsel of a DC federal credit card fraud lawyer to help you navigate the legal process and create a strong defense for your case. Charges of credit card fraud apply to more than just the theft of a physical card. From hacking into store databases to copying a number during a transaction, the category of crimes that are considered credit card fraud can include a wide array of circumstances.
A DC federal credit card fraud lawyer at our firm understand the severity of these charges and are ready to take action. Call today to learn more about how our seasoned federal fraud attorneys could defend you.
Credit card fraud includes any activity in which a person tries to use a card that has been canceled, uses another person’s card or card number without authorization, or seeks to use a card in any other way that has not been approved by the cardholder or issuer. If you are charged federally, you may face the possibility of sentencing in a federal prison in addition to hefty fines. These charges may apply to circumstances, such as:
This list contains representative examples of credit card fraud, but it is not comprehensive. Credit card fraud laws are typically written in broad general terms since new methods of fraud appears continuously.
Penalties for credit card fraud usually depend on the total value of the items or money obtained illegally by using the card. A conviction for federal charges may result in serving prison time in a federal facility as well as hefty fines. Therefore, it is crucial for a defendant to obtain a credit card fraud lawyer in DC right away.
Credit card fraud of any kind is a serious offense, which incurs severe consequences. What steps can you take to protect your rights and prepare an effective defense?
Federal credit card fraud charges carry a strong stigma. Prosecutors may push for stiffer penalties to make an example that will deter future criminals. For this reason, you should hire a skilled lawyer who has the experience necessary to advocate on your behalf, present the details of your case in a persuasive way, and protect your rights under the law.
To prepare a defense, you need a lawyer who has experience working with credit card fraud cases. As with any legal information, credit card fraud laws can be hard to interpret. However, an experienced federal credit card fraud lawyer in DC could be an effective advocate to help you understand the charges against you, identify a plan of action, and present your case in court.
Facing federal credit card charges can be frightening and intimidating. Your attorney could answer any questions, help you understand the available options, and work with you to provide a strong defense. You can benefit from the confidence that comes from working with a DC federal credit card fraud lawyer whose goal is to obtain the best possible verdict for you.